Wasting Time


Location | Taipei

Instead of studying for my test, I’m updating all my journals. Anyway, today I went to Shilin Night Market with Lusi. We did A LOT of shopping. I also met up with Alex to get my soap and I met his gf too. We only saw them for like 5 minutes though. It was really random. It was cuz they were eating and I didn’t really want to disturb them. Anyway, I still have a lot of shopping to do. I really want to go back to Shilin tomorrow to finish up shopping. I want to buy some cheap shoes. Now that I’ve had time to think about it, if shoes are NT$199 I should buy them. Especially if they have my size. (I wear the smallest size here… amazing for someone who thought that their feet wasn’t small for a Taiwanese person).

Anyway, I managed to get a pair of leg warmers. The kind that Japanese schoolgirls wear. I want to get another pair tomorrow. A wider pair at least. I also want to get some more vcds. I got a bootleg Shrek 2… but it was the biggest piece of trash I’ve seen so far. First of all, the first CD doesn’t even work and worst of all is the fact that there are English subtitles on the CD that aren’t even for the movie!! They’re for some other movie. So when Fiona says “Shrek!” in the movie… the subtitles said “Son of a bitch!” It was a little shocking.

I also got the VCD for the Cheaters (HK movie featuring Jordan Chan). Plus I got some gifts for people and other fun stuff. I really want to buy more shoes. I’m hoping to go back to Shilin, Gonguan, and Hsimen to do some major bag and shoe shopping. I WANT CHEAP STUFF!!!!

Ok, I should go study. More pictures to come someday. I will take pictures of the night market and of Gonguan and of Hsimen someday!! I feel as if I’ve been neglecting my camera!!

[This entry was taken from my old blog, Away from Home. Formatting may have changed when moved to Explore!]

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