Location | Train from Prague to Budapest
You would not believe how tiny this compartment is… There’s 3 people in about 30 square feet of space. There’s 3 bunks and it’s nothing like Harry Potter. Yes, I did imagine the train to be like the big train cars in Harry Potter. Boy, did I think wrong.
We arrived early to the train station and got onto the train a little before the 9:40pm departure. Our car also has another girl, she is from London. There is no place to sit, so all we can do was lay down. How awkward. There’s no air conditioning on the trains too, so it is unbearably hot, but since the train is moving, the cold air comes into the compartment making it a lot better.
I ate dinner sitting up with my head in the window sill (since it was so hot). Anyway, tomorrow we arrive in Budapest at 8:30am!